Local 702 was founded on June 29, 1911 by a few men working in the electrical trade. They believed wages and working conditions should be that of a skilled craft and the best way to achieve that was to organize. These men and our early members are remembered for their desire to advance their trade and make it better for all brothers.
Our first Union Hall for Local 702 was in Herrin at the Colombo Hall. In 1928 the hall was re-located to West Frankfort, Illinois. The building we occupy was dedicated in 1952.
Local 702 has always been a progressive and organizing Local Union. The first recorded contract between Local Union 702 and a utility was dated January of 1917. It was between Central Illinois Public Service Company and Local 702.
We currently represent workers in many different fields including utilities, inside wiremen, telephone, manufacturing, line clearance, sign erectors, instrument technicians, broadcast engineers, and nursing.
In the future we will work hard to keep the same principles that Local 702 has always stood for in improving the lives of their members and families.
The President of Local 702 is James Sanchez. The current Business Manager is Steve Hughart. The current Assistant Business Manager is Jamie Hatfield, and the Staff Representatives are: Ricky Buchheit, Jason Woolard, Tate Wright, Brad Beisner, Scott Kerley, Mike Lustig, and Corey Jarrett.