Southwestern Electric Cooperative

Local Union Contacts

Scott Kerley

Business Representative

(618) 218-2870

Renee Harnetaux


Kyle Hails


Leo Dublo


Scott Fitzgerald


Cooperative Information

Bobby Williams


525 US Rt. 40

Greenville, IL 62246

P: 800-637-8667

F: 618-664-3928

Contact Business Representative

    Union Meeting Information

    Meeting Site: Local 702
    Meetings: 1st Friday of each Month at the Local Union Hall, 106 N. Monroe Street, West Frankfort, IL 62896 7:30 P.M.; Executive Board 3rd Friday of each Month at the Local Union Hall, 106 N. Monroe Street, West Frankfort, IL

    Property News


    To all IBEW, Local Union 702 Members employed by Southwestern Electric Coop:

    There will be a special meeting on: Thursday, February 22, 2018 at Los Amigos, 1745 S. State Route 127, Greenville, IL beginning at 5:00p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to take proposals for contract negotiations for all three contract. To view the flier that was mailed out to members on February 15th, please click here.

    Benefit Plans for All Three Groups

    In an effort to provide our membership as much information as possible, we have updated all of the negotiated benefit plans between the Union and the Cooperative on our webpage for all three (3) groups represented by IBEW Local Union No. 702.